Q: Who do I contact if I have a question or am having a problem with services at Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies (COPE)?
A: COPE has a manager on site 24-7. Ask to speak with that manager. If you continue to need assistance you can contact either the Director of Crisis Services at 734-272-8225 or the Program Manager at 734-968-3477. Direct email to kschmiege@hegira.net.
Q: What is a COPE Pre-Admission Review (PAR)?
A: Pre-Admission Review (PAR) services provided by COPE includes a brief eligibility assessment followed by a detailed assessment of an individual’s behavioral health and physical health condition(s). The result of the assessment is, based on medical necessity criteria presented by the requester, the the authorized level of care in which the DWMHA will accept payment responsibility.
Q: Who is Eligible for a COPE Pre-Admission Review?
A: COPE provides pre-admission review services to adults 18 years and older that live in Wayne County, are experiencing a behavioral health crisis and have Medicaid, Healthy Michigan, MI Health Link or are uninsured and have no ability to pay. COPE does not provide Pre-Admission Reviews for persons with Medicare only and or private commercial insurance.
Q: Does COPE provide services at Emergency Departments for persons not in a crisis but needing behavioral health assistance?
A: No. We do not provide services for persons whose condition/complaints do not potentially warrant a high level of care. The services of COPE are designed to facilitate placements to higher levels of care that require authorization for payment and/or for those who, without intensive follow-up, will likely end up needing a higher, more intensive level of care.
Q: How do I request a Pre-Admission Review?
A: Call (844) 296-COPE (2673). Services are available 24 hours a day.
Q: Who can request a Pre-Admission Review?
A: A hospital emergency department, an adult foster care home provider or staff on a medical unit seeking transfer of a patient from an inpatient medical unit to an inpatient psychiatric unit
Q: How is it decided when a Pre-Admission Review is face-to-face versus telephonic?
A: COPE's charge is to be a mobile focused service. It is strongly believed that a face-to-face interaction between the consumer, the requesting persons(s) and the mobile crisis clinician results in a more accurate level of care authorization when the severity of the clinical situation does not obviously require an inpatietn admission. A telephonic review is done when one or more of the following critical indicators are present:
Serious suicide attempt
Harm committed to someone else
Damage committed to property
Severe psychosis with refusal of medication.
Regardless of the critical indicators, when substance use is present, a mobile team will be dispatched.
Q: Who should I expect will provide a mobile service?
A: COPE's Pre-Admission Reviewers are all Master's prepared clinicians that are licensed by the State of Michigan in their respective fields (Social Services, Psychology and Professional Counseling). Community-based services, mobile PARs and Stabilization, are provided by a treatment team that is comprised of a licensed, Master's prepared clinician and Peer Support Specialist.
Q: How long should I expect it to take before a Pre-admission Review is completed?
A: Mobile staff should be on site at your facility within 2-hours of your request. A disposition determination should be made within 3-hours of your request. Telephonically processed Requests for Service should be responded to within 15-minutes of the request. Delays in arrival and or disposition are infrequent (less than 5% of the time) and are typically due to medical clearance issues, questions regarding the consumer's eligibility for COPE services, the readiness of the consumer when the team arrives and or traffic.
Q: How does COPE help get people to the identified placement/level of care?
A: COPE will provide and/or arrange transport for people going to the Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) for further treatment and evaluation, as well as for those identified as needing crisis residential, detoxification, SUD residential, transitional living, partial hospitalization or outpatient levels of care.
Consumers needing inpatient hospitalization will be authorized for services at the hospital of the screening Emergency Department (ED) when a bed is available. If the screening hospital does not have an available bed or a psych unit, COPE will secure a bed from another local hospital. EDs are to dispatch ambulances for consumers being admitted inpatient at another hospital.
Q: Who do I contact for continued stay authorization?
A: The MCPNs will be conducting continuing stay reviews for inpatient, partial hospital and crisis residential admissions. The Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority (DWMHA) conducts continuing stay reviews for inpatient, partial hospital, and crisis residential for MI Health Link beneficiaries and all SUD residential and withdrawal management placements.
Q: Does COPE provide follow-up services?
A: Yes. COPE Stabilization Teams can provide up to 28 days of community-based services to qualifying individuals. Stabilization teams are available 8:30am – 7:00pm 7 days a week.
Q: Why are there three Core Providers of the COPE service?
A: The COPE program has three Core Providers: Hegira Health, Inc., Northeast Guidance Center and Neighborhood Service Organization. The three providers offer exactly the same service though have primary assignments in different geographic areas. These assignments are based on community knowledge and relationships, proximity to the various regions of the county for time efficiencies and of course, experience and competencies in providing crisis services.
Q: What happened to the Psychiatric Intervention Center (PIC)?
A: The facility known as the Psychiatric Intervention Center (PIC), located at 33505 Schoolcraft Road in Livonia, now houses the COPE Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU). The CSU is the base of operations for COPE and provides the 24-hour professional services required of a certified mobile crisis program. The CSU also offers walk-in crisis services 24 hours a day/365 days a year.